Frequently asked questions
Thank you for shopping online with Alshaya. You should receive a confirmation email once you have ordered which contains information about tracking your delivery; all our online shopping brands have help sections on their websites – please see below for general questions about your order.
Thank you for ordering from Alshaya online stores. We aim to deliver your order within 14 - 21 days. We’d like to thank you for your patience at this time; please note that our deliveries are affected by the curfews currently in place across several countries as well as the high level of demand for our online stores.
Please accept our apologies that you have not received confirmation of your order. If payment has been taken, your order is being processed – please complete our online contact form to request confirmation.
Our store exchange and refund policies are determined by Ministry regulations in each country that we operate. Where stores are open, please check with the information on display or a member of the store team. For online orders, please check the website of the brand you ordered from (see links below). For WhatsApp orders, please contact us on the WhatsApp number used to place your order. As a general rule, where refunds or exchanges are permitted but stores remain closed, goods can be returned up to 14 days after stores reopen.
Please note: For WhatsApp order information for Kuwait deliveries, please complete the online contact form
We are taking every possible measure to ensure the safety of our customers and employees. We have imposed strict hygiene and sanitation protocols at every step of the order and delivery process that put safety first, and we work with our delivery companies to ensure they meet the same high standards. The precautionary measures include:

Each of our online shopping brands has more detailed FAQs, please visit:
Please complete the online contact form or contact us on the telephone numbers listed on our Customer Contact Centre page on